The MIZUKI jewellery bowl is inspired by the lunar surface with its round craters. Designer Nestor Campos explains: “I once had a workshop with NASA, where I had access to their archives. I spent a lot of time looking at photos of the first journeys to the moon. Those images are still in my head now.”
The resulting bowl is made of solid oak with an oiled finish. It is also available in ash, with an open-pored, painted finish in the full range of Schönbuch basic and accent colours. It can be used as a vide-poche or to store jewellery – in hallways, bathrooms or bedrooms.
MIZUKI comes in two sizes. The smaller version has two recesses, the larger one three. The proportions of the circles are based on the Fibonacci number sequence, an infinite sequence of natural numbers. MIZUKI is where moon stories meet maths – in perfect combination.